New Atlas ENVIRONMENT New world record set for converting sunlight to electricity Eric MackMay 18th, 2016  Dr. Keevers with the record-breaking cell(Credit: University of New South Wales)  An Australian team has set a new record for squeezing as much electricity as possible out of direct, unfocused sunlight via a new solar cell configuration. Engineers at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) achieved 34.5 percent sunlight-to-electricity conversion efficiency, a new mark that also comes closer than ever to the theoretical limits of such a system. UNSW's Dr. Mark Keevers and Professor Martin Green set the record with a 28 centimeter-square (4.3 sq in), four-junction mini-module embedded in a prism. This new configuration allows the sun's rays to be split into four bands so that a higher amount of energy can be extracted from each beam. The same team reached an even higher level of efficiency a few years back using mirrored concentrators that were able to convert 40 percent of incoming sunlight to electricity. However, this new record is the highest level achieved without the use of concentrators. "What's remarkable is that this level of efficiency had not been expected for many years," said Green, citing a German study that set a goal of 35 percent efficiency to be reached by 2050.  The team does not expect that its record-breaking cell configuration will find its way on to home or office rooftops anytime soon, as they are more costly to manufacture. The group is working to reduce the complexity to make them cheaper to produce and sees a future for them on solar towers that make use of concentrating mirrors. Meanwhile, efficiency gains are also being made in the development of organic solar cells that are cheaper and more flexible. There's still a long way to go though, as the most recent record for organic photovoltaics set in February was 13.2 percent efficiency. Source: University of New South Wales TAGS #UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES #SOLAR CELL SHARE THIS ARTICLE SHOW 10 COMMENTS Top Free Apps  Walking Dead Recruit famous survivors from The Walking Dead to join your team Free  War Dragons Build and Defend your Kingdom Free  Cookie Jam "Fresh and Entertaining" Free Promoted by Kixer MORE FROM AROUND THE WEB Introducing Facebook's new terrestrial connectivity systems — Terragraph and Project ARIESFacebook Code O.J. Simpson Murdered Nicole Brown Because She Came To Door With Knife, Agent ClaimsRadar Online Recommended by RECOMENDED FOR YOU Oak Ridge tool takes world record for largest 3D printed object Heliatek claims new conversion efficiency record for organic PV cells World's blackest material is now world's blackest "spray paint" Silver machine rolls down the track to new efficiency record Solar thermal record sees 97% conversion of sunlight into steam Juno set for a (relatively) close brush with the clouds of Jupiter New face-reading apps determine your preferences for presidents and partners Graphene breakthrough is big news for future of semiconductors LATEST IN ENVIRONMENT  “Weather bomb” could shed light on mysteries of Earth’s interior  New research examines how air pollution is melting Earth’s Third Pole  NASA probes Namibian clouds to help predict future climate models  Humans have been heating up the planet for 180 years says new study SEARCH NEW ATLAS Search (optional)  OVER 255,000 PEOPLE RECEIVE OUR EMAIL NEWSLETTER See the stories that matter in your inbox every morning Email address  GIZMAG IS NOW NEW ATLAS SWITCH TO DESKTOP SITE
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