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Monday, February 20, 2017

Www.papaya leaf extract

There is now an on-going investigation on leaf extract from fresh Papaya for hematological parameters and toxicological changes for treating Dengue. 

WWW.papaya leaf extract

Please help your community members looking for jobs

Stores AssistantColomboSri Lanka

Hotel Casamara are looking for suitably qualified, service oriented personnel with previous experience in similar capacity to fill the post of Stores Assistant with immediate effect. Industry: Hotels & Tourism Skills: Other Experience: Not Specified / No Experience

 Hotel Casamara Stores Helper

ColomboSri Lanka
Hotel Casamara are searching for reasonably qualified, benefit situated staff with past involvement in comparative ability to fill the post of Stores Helper with quick impact. Industry: Trades & Services Skills: Other Experience: Not Specified / No Experience

 Hotel Casamara General Cashier

ColomboSri Lanka Hotel Casamara are searching for appropriately qualified, benefit arranged work force with past involvement in comparable ability to fill the post of General Cashier with quick impact. Industry: Accounting, Banking & Financial Skills: Cost Accounting Experience: 2-3+ Years Industry Experience
Hotel Casamara Accounts Clerk

ColomboSri Lanka Hotel Casamara are searching for appropriately qualified, benefit situated faculty with past involvement in comparable ability to fill the post of Accounts Clerk with prompt impact. Industry: Accounting, Banking & Financial Skills: Accounts Officers/Clerks Experience: Not Specified / No Experience

 Hotel Casamara Male Receptionist

ColomboSri Lanka Hotel Casamara are searching for reasonably qualified, benefit situated work force with past involvement in comparable ability to fill the post of Male Receptionist with quick impact. Industry: Administration & Legal / Office Support Skills: Receptionists Experience: Not Specified / No Experience
Hotel Casamara Male Receptionist Trainees

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 Hotel Casamara Accounts Trainees

ColomboSri Lanka Hotel Casamara are searching for appropriately qualified, benefit situated work force with past involvement in comparative ability to fill the post of Accounts Trainee with prompt impact. Industry: Graduate/Management Trainee Skills: Management Trainee Experience: Not Specified / No Experience

 Hotel Casamara Pastry Cooks

ColomboSri Lanka Hotel Casamara are searching for appropriately qualified, benefit situated work force with past involvement in comparable ability to fill the post of Pastry Cook with quick impact. Industry: Hotels & Tourism Skills: Chefs/Cooks Experience: Not Specified / No Experience
 Hotel Casamara Cooks (Hot Range)
ColomboSri Lanka Hotel Casamara are searching for appropriately qualified, benefit situated work force with past involvement in comparative ability to fill the post of Cooks with prompt impact. Industry: Hotels & Tourism Skills: Chefs/Cooks Experience: Not Specified / No Experience
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If you know the value of donating, as much as I per lord buddha

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

You can change our environment for better.

Your mighty support please.thanks.

විහාරස්ථානය කෑගල්ල දිස්ත්‍රික්කයේ ගලිගමුව ආසනයේ මොනරගල නමැති කුඩා ග්‍රාමයේ අඩි පන්සියයක් පමණ උස විශාල ගල්තලාවක් මත මොනරගල ශ්‍රී සම්බුද්ධාලෝක විහාරස්ථානය පිහිටා තිබේ. ශාස්ත්‍රවේදී පණ්ඩිත බෙලිගොඩ ශාන්තරතන ස්වාමීන් වහන්සේ මොනරගල ශ්‍රී සම්බුද්ධාලෝක විහාරස්ථානයේ නිර්මාතෘවරයාණෝ වෙති. ඉතා දුෂ්කරතා මධ්‍යයේ ගම්වාසීන්ගේ ආධාරයෙන් ඉතා කුඩා සංඝාවාසයක් හා බණ මඩුවකින් උන්වහන්සේ 2008 වර්ෂයේ දී එම විහාරස්ථානය ආරම්භ කළහ. නිස්කලංක, රමණීය පරිසරය හේතුවෙන් එම ස්ථානයේ විහාරස්ථානයක් ඉදිකිරීමට ඉතා යෝග්‍ය යැයි උන්වහන්සේ තීරණය කර ඇත. පර්චස් තිහක පමණ භූමි ප්‍රමාණයක මෙම විහාරස්ථානය පිහිටා ඇත. විහාරස්ථ භූමිය බණ භාවනා කටයුතු සඳහා කදිම පුදබිමකි. බෝධීන් වහන්සේ, බුද්ධ ප්‍රතිමා වහන්සේ වැඩවසන කුඩා බුද්ධ මන්දිරය හා බණ මඩුවකින් සමන්විත වේ. වර්තමානයේ මෙම ස්ථානයේ එක් භික්ෂුවකට පමණක් වැඩවිසිය හැකි කුඩා සංඝාවාසයක් ද වේ. මෙහි අඩි පන්සියයක් පමණ උස කන්ද මුදුනේ සැදැහැති බෞද්ධයන්ට වැඳ නමස්කාර කිරීම් පිණිස චෛත්‍ය රාජයාණන් වහන්සේ ඉදිකිරීමට අදහස් කරන ශාන්තරතන හිමියන් ඒ සඳහා මහත් පරිශ්‍රමයක් දරමින් සිටිති. ඒ සඳහා දායකවීමට කැමති පින්වතුන්ට ආරාධනා කරන බවට උන්වහන්සේ පවසති. දුරුතු අමාවක පෝය දුරුතු අමාවක පෝය පෙබරවාරි මස 07 වැනිදා ඉරිදා අපරභාග 10.20 ට ලබයි. 08 වැනි දා සඳුදා අපරභාග 08.08 දක්වා පෝය පවතී. සිල් සමාදන්වීම පෙබරවාරි මස 08 වැනිදා සඳුදා ය. මීළඟ පෝය පෙබරවාරි 15 වැනිදා සඳුදා ය. මීළඟ පෝය පෙබරවාරි 15 වැනිදා සඳුදා ය.  අමාවක පෙබරවාරි 08 පුර අටවක පෙබරවාරි 15 පසෙලාස්වක පෙබරවාරි 22 අව අටවක මාර්තු 01 2016 පෝය ලබන ගෙවෙන වේලා සහ සිල් සමාදන් විය යුතු දවස් |  PRINTABLE VIEW |   මුල් පිටුව | බොදු පුවත් | කතුවැකිය | බෞද්ධ දර්ශනය | විශේෂාංග | වෙහෙර විහාර | පෙර කලාප | දායකත්ව මුදල් | © 2000 - 2016 ලංකාවේ සීමාසහිත එක්සත් ප‍්‍රවෘත්ති පත්‍ර සමාගම සියළුම හිමිකම් ඇවිරිණි. අදහස් හා යෝජනා: 

Creative people, your thoughts, support please.

Monday, February 13, 2017

There is a reason for every outcome,as per lord buddha.try to end the suffering,nirvana.

FEATURES NOAA identifies tactics and strategies to improve drought science, forecasts and data products WeatherClimate drought Share This May 27, 2015 After soliciting feedback from more than 100 stakeholders and employees, NOAA released a service assessment on May 11, 2015, that identifies tactics and strategies the agency can take to better provide California decision makers with the scientific data and tools they need to lessen the impacts of extreme drought. 

The NOAA California Drought Service Assessment contains more than three dozen findings and recommendations which may lead to improved or more tailored data products and tools, such as weather forecasts, streamflow forecasts, seasonal predictions, and climate models.

The report also examines NOAA’s coastal stewardship mandates and ecosystem research services, noting best practices and identifying areas for partnerships and collaboration, as well as research questions NOAA scientists should consider pursuing. “As the nation prepares for more weather and climate extremes, unprecedented actions to safeguard water — such as those seen in California — will become more commonplace.

NOAA must stay ahead by developing new tools and refining existing ones to meet new demands,” said Vice Admiral Michael Devany, NOAA’s deputy under secretary for operations and executive sponsor of the report. He added, “This report's findings underscore NOAA's important role in providing businesses and communities with the environmental intelligence — or timely, reliable and actionable information — to remain resilient to extreme events.

The feedback outlined in this report will help NOAA serve communities and businesses in California as they continue to grapple with the worst drought in its history.” Since its onset in 2011, the California drought has taken a heavy toll on the economy and the natural environment.

A study last year by the University of California Davis projected 2014's economic cost of the drought to be $2.2 billion, with a total loss of 17,100 seasonal and part-time jobs. The state’s agriculture, fisheries and coastal ecosystems, and water resources sectors have been particularly hard-hit, thus providing a framework for this report.

Top findings include: Improve seasonal prediction: The annual snowpack in the Central and Northern Sierra Nevadas Mountains provide the vast majority of water for California. Even a “low confidence” seasonal forecast for the total precipitation in those areas could go a long way in answering the most enduring question: “

How much water will we get this year?” Build “full natural flow” water resources modeling: In a state where almost every drop of water is accounted for as it makes its way to the sea, a science-based modeling and forecast capability--one that links surface water and groundwater — is needed to enable water managers and users to better track the state of water resources.

Enhance NOAA internal coordination of drought services: Most stakeholders accessed NOAA’s drought-related services through local National Weather Service (NWS) field offices (e.g., Weather Forecast Office or River Forecast Center). NWS field offices often rely on products and services including data, seasonal prediction, and research capabilities that reside in national centers, labs, and extramural partners. Design environmental monitoring projects on sub-regional or watershed-specific scales:

There is strong need for NOAA to continue developing projects that improve our understanding of environmental changes, particularly at a watershed-scale. NOAA’s successful Russian River Habitat Blueprint project is an example of where our forecasting talent and fisheries management expertise infuses with that of local scientists and organizations to implement stewardship goals that promote sustainable use of water resources.

NOAA has a lengthy history of assessing its forecast and warning services in the wake of major weather events. This history dates to a tornado outbreak in Dallas, Texas, in 1957, where it was found that citizens “knew little or nothing of personal safety rules regarding an encounter with a tornado.”

Since then, service assessments have been conducted for major floods, hurricanes, winter storms, heat waves, wildfire outbreaks, and even a space weather event.

However, this is the first time a service assessment on drought has been conducted. An implementation plan to track the progress of these recommendations will follow in the months ahead. To read the report, visit: This service assessment was led by Kevin Werner, NOAA’s Western Regional Climate Services Director, with guidance and support from NOAA’s National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS). Nine employees representing each NOAA line office and headquarters, as well as California State Climatologist Michael Anderson, were part of the assessment team and co-authored the report.

To learn more NOAA’s drought resources and to view conditions in your area, visit For more information about the State of California’s response to the drought and its recent statewide mandatory water reductions, visit NOAA’s mission is to understand and predict changes in the Earth's environment, from the depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and to conserve and manage our coastal and marine resources. Join us on Facebook,Twitter, Instagram and our other social media channels. Contact: Susan Buchanan 301-427-9000 Share This What are your chances for a white Christmas?  What's the difference between meteorological and astronomical seasons?  About our agency News and features Our work Stay connected Share to Twitter Share to Facebook NOAA on Instagram NOAA on YouTube NOAA Home Science. Service. Stewardship.

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Www.creative people, divert human energy, udakanhi nayanthi nethika

0 1' Drought: Be prepared, warns WFP 2017-02-13 09:59:43

Sri Lanka should be prepared to face challenges ahead, especially when it comes to food security, which would be brought on by the drought, World Food Program (WFP) Executive Director Ertharin Cousin said over the weekend.  According to the WFP, which quoted a research carried out by several agencies including the Irrigation Department and the Department of Census and Statics, Sri Lanka has currently felt only 50 percent of the effect of the prevailing drought. "You have to get your resources in place if you are to face challenges which are ahead of you in the wake of the drought. Without resources you cannot ensure food security," Ms. Cousin told journalists during her visit to Hambegamuwa in the Moneragala District. 

She also stressed for a joint effort of all stakeholders to ensure success. "I met Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe in Davos earlier this year and he asked for WFP support to face the drought his country was going to face and I told him that we would support but the role of the Government and others would be important as one agency alone could not fulfill the task,” she said. She said she was pleased to see the work done in Sri Lanka, especially by the WFP. 

The WFP has funded Rs. 6 million to put up a 15 km electricity fence and to grow thorny bushes such as Hana, Bougainvillea and lime to prevent elephants from destroying the lives and crops in Hambegamuwa.

There is a shortage of water for cultivation as a result of the focus on drinking water. The storage of water has declined in several districts. It has been revealed that water storage in the Anuradhapura District has declined to 27 percent of the full capacity, while it is 28 percent in Moneragala, 28 percent in Trincomalee, and 57 percent in Polonnaruwa, reports said.(Yohan Perera)   6 Comments ANTON Monday, 13 February 2017 11:48 THE MAIN REASON IS THAT PEOPLE PRAY FOR RAIN AND CRY AND COMPLAIN ABOUT FLOOD. Reply : 3 0 lkboy Monday, 13 February 2017 12:16 but our politicians are keen on wasting rice stocks for producing beer! Reply : 0 4 suresh Monday, 13 February 2017 12:48 We are cutting more trees in the forest to make room to store food sir


Happy Valentine's day 2017

Your words are my food